Caring for the caregivers

28 March 2022

As it was Mother’s Day yesterday, we wanted to share the story of one of the many hardworking mothers we support.

With schools being closed in Peru since December 2019 and children spending more time at home than ever before, unpaid care and domestic work has increased dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic. Research has shown that this responsibility has, in most cases, fallen on women.

Melizza lives with her husband, daughter and son in South Peru. Her daughter Brunella is 3 years old and has paraplegia and severe Cerebral Palsy which Melizza attributes to medical negligence at the time of delivery. Melizza is the primary carer for her two children as her husband works away from the house all day. This puts a lot of physical and emotional pressure on Melizza.

Melizza explained that “Brunella stays in her neurological chair for most of the day and requires constant attention. However, little Ika also manages to distract me and generate a certain balance in attention at home.”

The emotional support provided by Sense International Peru has been invaluable for Melizza. Despite her hard work as a mother and caregiver, Melizza was not receiving any emotional support before being connected with Sense International Peru. 

“The calls from Sense International Peru have been very important, because I knew it came from people who would listen, understand and give me advice.”


Melizza has participated in training workshops with other families and has received individualised support through regular communication on WhatsApp. These spaces have allowed her to share her experience, carry out consultations and establish a progress plan for Brunella.

“The in-home activities they sent me have really helped us … I like that we always start with my daughter’s strengths”


Melizza recognizes the importance of ‘telling her story’ and inspiring other families to believe in their children with disabilities. She places a lot of emphasis on the importance of “caring for the caregivers”.  Melizza hopes that soon Brunella will be able to control her head movements and use more sounds to communicate.