Seeing Khalili’s smile

Khalili was born breech which damaged his spine and he experienced foetal distress. In the first two months of his life, he was in and out of hospital.

Khalili was eventually referred to Sense International Kenya’s screening programme and diagnosed with deafblindness. Following his diagnosis, he was referred to the occupational therapy programme.

During Khalili’s sessions, the occupational therapist does physical therapy as well as muscle massages. Khalili is helped into a standing position which helps to strengthen the muscles he needs to sit and stand. The occupational therapist also uses lights and toys to stimulate Khalili’s limited vision.

Saumu, Khalili’s mother, explained that:

“Before therapy Khalili was not able to stand or sit by himself. Khalili can now sit independently for some time, and he no longer shakes when he stands. Khalili is also now reacting to audio stimulation. We practice an exercise by ringing a bell which he now reacts to. Khalili has started to smile now too!

“We still face many challenges, these are mostly to do with money, however I am more hopeful now. I hope that one day Khalili will be able to recognise me as his mother.”

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