Transforming education for hundreds of children and young adults with deafblindness in Bangladesh

6 October 2021

Sense International’s life-changing inclusive education and vocational programme in Bangladesh has now supported hundreds of children and young adults with deafblindness/ multi-sensory impairments (MSI) to learn at home and school.

Since the programme launched, Sense International has supported 514 children and young people with deafblindness/ MSI in Bangladesh, an increase on the original target of 450, and provided training for 906 parents and caregivers to support children and young people to learn.

The programme, which was implemented in partnership with the Centre for Disability in Development and a team of seven local partners, also achieved:

  • A 20% improvement in quality of life for people with deafblindness/ MSI.
  • A new Regional Resource Centre.
  • 175 local level government officials showed an improvement in understanding and knowledge of deafblindness/ MSI after their training.
  • 85% of special educators showed significant improvement of understanding, knowledge and skills on communication and education of people with deafblindness/ MSI after their training.

Before the project, there was a widespread lack of understanding of deafblindness/ MSI in Bangladesh, which led to stigma and meant that the basic rights of people with deafblindness/ MSI were ignored and their needs unmet.

Despite the impact of the COVID19 pandemic in Bangladesh, Sense International continued to support children and young adults with deafblindness/ MSI, by adapting services or providing virtual support.

You can read the whole ‘My Turn to Learn’ report, by using the download link below:

My Turn to Learn Report
My Turn to Learn Report Accessible Word Document